We study the importance of self-interaction errors in density functional approximations for various water-ion clusters. We have employed the Fermi-Löwdin orbital self-interaction correction (FLOSIC) method in conjunction with LSDA, PBE, and SCAN to describe binding energies of hydrogen-bonded water-ion clusters, i.e., water-hydronium, waterhydroxide, water-halide, as well as non-hydrogen-bonded water-alkali clusters. In the hydrogen-bonded water-ion clusters, the building blocks are linked by hydrogen atoms, although the links are much stronger and longer-ranged than the normal hydrogen bonds between water molecules, because the monopole on the ion interacts with both permanent and induced dipoles on the water molecules. We find that self-interaction errors overbind the hydrogen-bonded waterion clusters and that FLOSIC reduces the error and brings the binding energies into closer agreement with higherlevel calculations. The non-hydrogen-bonded water-alkali clusters are not significantly affected by self-interaction errors. Self-interaction corrected PBE predicts the lowest mean unsigned error in binding energies (≤ 50 meV/H 2 O) for hydrogen-bonded water-ion clusters. Self-interaction errors are also largely dependent on the cluster size, and FLOSIC does not accurately capture the subtle variation in all clusters, indicating the need for further refinement.