The effect of the magnetic field applied along the main crystallographic directions on the magnetic structure of Er 3 Co has been studied by means of single-crystal neutron diffraction technique. At zero field the compound exhibits a noncoplanar commensurate magnetic structure with ferromagnetic alignment of the Er magneticmoment projections along the b axis in an orthorhombic unit cell. The present measurements revealed that the application of the magnetic field along the c direction ͓c Ќ ͑ab͔͒ leads to the pronounced metamagneticlike transition in the low-field region 0 H Ͻ 1.2 T, although, the magnetization curve does not exhibit any anomalies. Combining the present single-crystal diffraction and magnetization data with the results of the previous powder neutron diffraction study ͓Gignoux et al., Solid State Commun. 8, 391 ͑1970͔͒, we conclude that the nature of the magnetic ion, whether Kramers or non-Kramers, has a decisive effect on the commensurability of the magnetic structure of R 3 Co. In particular, the commensurate magnetic structure observed in Er 3 Co originate from the Kramers character of Er 3+ ion in contrast to the incommensurate structures found earlier in R 3 Co with R = Tb and Ho.For more than three decades, the study of R 3 T rare-earth ͑R͒ compounds with 3d metals ͑T =Co, Ni͒ has been a fascinating subject of condense matter physics for their diversity of interesting properties, in particular, a variety of fieldinduced magnetic phase transitions, giant magnetoresistance, and complex magnetic phase diagrams. 1-3 The R 3 T compounds have the largest content of rare-earth metal within the 4f-3d binaries and crystallize in the low-symmetry orthorhombic Fe 3 C-type structure ͑Pnma space group͒. 4 Rareearth atoms occupy two nonequivalent positions, 4c ͑R 4c ͒ and 8d ͑R 8d ͒. The atoms of 3d transition metal are located at the 4c position within the trigonal prisms formed by rareearth atoms and do not possess any ordered magnetic moment.Early investigations proposed that the R 3 T compounds exhibit complex noncoplanar antiferromagnetic ͑AFM͒ or ferromagnetic structures which are commensurate with the crystal lattice. The presence of such structures was suggested to result from the competition between the Ruderman-KittelKasuya-Yoshida exchange interaction and low-symmetry crystal electric field ͑CEF͒. However, more recent studies using new generation of neutron-scattering techniques have revealed that some of R 3 Co͑R =Ho, Tb͒ compounds exhibit much more complex magnetic structures. 5,6 The structures turn out to be incommensurate not only just below the magnetic ordering point but down to the lowest temperatures as well. We proposed recently that the non-Kramers character of the rare-earth ions is responsible for the incommensurability of the magnetic structures of these R 3 T compounds at low temperatures. 6 To our best knowledge, the only neutron powder diffraction study of the Er 3 Co magnetic structure was done by Gignoux et al. 1 They found that the magnetic structure is commensurate ͑Er bein...