Oxidized ferredoxin from Clostridium pasteurianum, containing two Fe& clusters, has been investigated using 2D 'H NMR spectroscopy at 600MHz. 2D NMR experiments allowed complete assignment of the sixteen isotropically shifted signals corresponding to thefl-CH, protons of the eight metal coordinated cysteines. Geminal connectivities of Cys jl-CH2 protons were identified through magnitude COSY experiments and confirmed through 2D NOESY experiments. A few additional signals could be assigned to the corresponding a-CH protons. The importance of 2D experiments to achieve firm assignments of isotropically shifted signals in pammagnetic metalloproteins is stressed.Ferredoxin; Iron-sulfur cluster; 2D NMR; Metalloprotein
INTRODIJCTIONThe 2(Fe,S,) ferredoxin from Clostridium pasteurianum is a low molecular weight iron sulfur protein [l-3]; in the oxidized state each cluster formally contains two iron (III) and two iron (II) ions [4]. Owing to antiferromagnetic exchange coupling the ground state is S=O [4,5]. At room temperature some paramagnetism arises from occupancy of the excited states; the overall magnetic moment at 298 K is =4.1 BM per cluster 161. magnetic compounds have been reported, in particular for systems containing low spin iron (III), for which the nuclear relaxation rates are only slightly increased with respect to diamagnetic systems [13-171.2D 'H NMR experiments have been developed and extensively utilized for the determination of the solution structure of diamagnetic compounds [7,8]. In these systems the 2D pulse sequences take place in a time negligible with respect to proton relaxation times; magnetization transfer occurs in a time shorter or of the same order of magnitude. On the other hand, paramagnetic systems are characterized by drastic enhancements of nuclear relaxation rates [9,10]; so it often happens that the spin system reaches equilibrium without transferring detectable amounts of magnetization from one spin set to another. This fact has heavily hindered the application of 2D NMR techniqtit; ;o paramagnetic systems [I 1,121. In this frame, we here report a 2D NOESY and COSY study of the oxidized 2(Fe&) ferredoxin from Ciostridium pasteurianum. We demonstrate that, by an accurate choice of the experimental parameters, 2D NMR experiments can be fruitfully applied to the investigation of paramagnetic iron-sulfur clusters and can provide valuable information for firm assignments of the isotropically shifted lines.
MATERIALS AND METHODSCfosrridium pasfeuriurwm was grown and ferredoxin isolated and purified according to the method of Rabinowitz [l&19]. The purity of the sample was checked by absorption spectroscopy by monitoring the AJA,, absorbance ratio. For 'H NMR experiments the protein was dissolved in 50 mM NaPi buffer, pH 8.0. Deuteration of the sample was achieved by utilizing an ultrafiltration Amicon cell, equipped with a YMl membrane. At least five changes of deuterated buffer were performed to ensure satisfactory solvent exchange. The pH values are reported as uncorrected pH meter ...