. 64, 429 (1986).The iron(I1) complexes Fe(NC5H5)4(RS03)2 where R = CF3, CH,, and p-CH3C6H4 have been prepared and their crystal structures determined by single crystal X-ray diffraction. Cryst$ of trans-bis(methanesulfonato-O)tetrakis(pyridine)iron(II) are monoclinic, a = 16.524(2), b = 9.1 127(6), c = 18.684(2) A, P = 109.903(6)", Z = 4, space group Pn. The structure was solved by conventional heavy-atom methods and was refined by full-matrix least-squares procedures to R = 0.034 and R,, = 0.038 for 4243 reflections with I 2 3u(4. Crystals of trans-bis(trifluoromethanesulfonato-O)tetrakis(pyridine)iron(II) are monoclinic, a = 10.456(1), b = 9.2981(8), c = 14.625(2) A, P = 96.372(6)", Z = 2, space group Pn. Structure solved and refined as above to R = 0.036, and R,, = 0.037 for 1483 reflections with 1 2 3u(4. Crystals of transbis(p-toluenesulfonato-O)tetrakis(pyridine)iron(II) are orthorhombic, a = 40.818(2), b = 9.8722(6), c = 17.3544(7) A, Z = 8, space group Fdd2. The structure was solved by Patterson and Fourier syntheses and was refined by full-matrix least-squares procedures to R = 0.030 and R,, = 0.032 for 1851 reflections with 1 2 3u(l). All three structures show discrete octahedral molecules with monodentate trans-coordinated sulfonate groups. Two crystallographically independent molecules are observed in the R = CH3 structure, the difference between them involving the orientation of the CH3S03 groups with respect to the 0-Fe-0 vector. The FeN402 chromophore in each compoundo is a tetragonally compressed octahedron (approximate D4,, Dans le trois structures, on retrouve des molCcules octaCdriques individuelles avec des groupements sulfonates monodentates coordonntes en trans. Dans la structure oh R=CH3, on observe deux moltcules qui sont cristallographiquement indtpendantes; la difftrence entre les deux implique I'orientation des groupements CH3S03 par rapport au vecteur 0-Fe-0.Dans chacun des composts, le chromophore FeN402 est un octatdre qui est comprimt d'une faqon tttragonale (symttrie approximative D4)!) et dans lequel les distances Fe-N moyennes sont 2,21, 2.23 et 2,24 A alors que les distances Fe---0 sont 2,11, 2,06 et 2,08 a respectivement pour les derives CF3, CH3 et p-CH3C6H4. On a CtudiC les composts en faisant appel aux spectroscopies vibrationnelles, tlectroniques et de Mossbauer, i des mesures de susceptibilitt magnttique et i la calorimttrie de balayage difftrentiel. Les valeurs des dtdoublements quadrupolaires obtenus a partir des spectres de Mossbauer indiquent que les trois composts existent dans un ttat fondamental 5B2,; on a analysC les donnCes de susceptibilitC magnttique (de 3 10a 4,2 K) i l'aide des modtles tant de champ cristallin que de dtdoublement i champ ztro en faisant I'hypothtse que 1'Ctat fondamental est bien celui-18.[Traduit par le journal]
IntroductionWe had earlier utilized spectroscopic and magnetic techThe study of the coordinating properties of sulfonate anions, niques to investigate the coordination of Sulfonate anions in RS03-, is of interest for a number of re...