─ In order to better understand the role of possible couplings in determining the giant magnetoresistance (GMR) behavior of multilayers, a knowledge of the dependence of the GMR on magnetic field H appears to be useful. Since a few specific cases have only been treated theoretically in the literature, it was decided to carry out a modeling of the GMR(H) curves of ferromagnetic/non-magnetic (FM/NM) multilayers with various interlayer couplings. For simplicity, we focused on a trilayer structure (FM 1 /NM/FM 2 ) corresponding fairly well to the case of a large number of FM/NM bilayers. To carry out the calculations, some fundamental assumptions were made: (i) each FM layer consists of a single domain and the magnetizations are in the layer planes; (ii) the magnetization of each layer is the same; (iii) the magnetization vectors rotate in the plane of the layers in an external magnetic field. In order to calculate the GMR(H) function, we need to know the magnetization process in the trilayer, i.e., the M(H) function. Therefore, first we calculate the equilibrium angle ϕ(H) between the two magnetization vectors as a function of the field by minimizing the total energy of the multilayer. According to most previous theoretical and experimental works, the angular dependence of the GMR is fairly well described by the relation GMR(ϕ) ∝ (1 -cos ϕ) and we used this relation to derive the GMR(H) function. Along this line, the M(H) and GMR(H) curves were calculated for the following cases: (i) pure AF coupling; (ii) pure orthogonal coupling; (iii) AF coupling and orthogonal coupling simultaneously present. As to the calculation of the GMR(H) curves, some of these configurations have not yet been treated formerly or for some specific parameter values only. For those cases for which calculations were reported in the literature for M(H) and GMR(H), our results agree with previous reports.