The possibility of cross-control of electric order by magnetic fields and magnetic order by electric fields is the key of the noticeable interest attracted by magneto-electric (ME) multiferroics, since it represents both a great potential for applications and a complex and fascinating topic for fundamental studies [1,2,3,4,5,6,7] . Two types of multiferroic materials are generally distinguished: "type I", where electric and magnetic orders coexist but are weakly coupled, and "type II", where electric polarization appears as a consequence of the magnetic ordering. In this last class, the competition between different magnetic exchange couplings often yields a complex ordered state that breaks inversion symmetry and induces ferroelectric polarization. This coupling scheme is realized through different mechanisms, which can be grouped into three major models: [8] (i) exchange striction, (ii) spin current, and (iii) spindependent p-d hybridization (which does not involve an exchange coupling but a single-ion term). For the exchange striction mechanism (i) to take place, a striction along a specific crystallographic axis may be induced by the symmetric exchange interaction between two neighboring spins, S i and S j , which couples to the pre-existing dipoles. Electric polarization, P, will be macroscopically observable if the induced striction is not cancelled after the sum over the bonds of the crystal lattice. This is the mechanism responsible for the induced polarization in compounds with collinear up-up-down-down spin structure ('E-type' antiferromagnetic structure) [9] . These compounds display the highest values of spin-driven ferroelectric polarization [10] . The spin current model (ii) is, in turn, probably the most thoroughly studied.This mechanism is responsible for the magneto-electric coupling in compounds with cycloidal spin arrangements such as RMnO 3 (R= rare earth) [11,12,13] MnWO 4 [14,15] or CoCr 2 O 4 [16] . According to this model, the antisymmetric Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interactions [17,18] produce an