We present a systematic study of the magnetic properties of exchange biased Co͑25 nm͒ / CoO͑t CoO ͒ / Cu͑2 nm͒ elongated nanoring arrays. The reversal mechanism in the exchange biased nanorings is directly compared to that of unbiased nanorings of identical geometry at varying temperatures. We observe that along the field cooling direction, the exchange biased nanorings exhibit reversal via shifted vortex states with enhanced magnitudes of onion→ vortex and vortex→ reverse onion transition fields. The magnitude of exchange bias field is also found to be strongly dependent on the CoO layer thickness t CoO , and decreases monotonically with increasing t CoO . Due to the interplay between the exchange and Zeeman energies, the exchange bias field could also be varied by adjusting the field cooling strength.There has been an emerging scientific interest in the magnetization reversal mechanisms of patterned nanomagnets with precisely controlled geometry and interelement spacing 1 due to potential applications in a wide range of magnetoelectronic devices such as magnetic random access memory, 2 read head sensors, 3 programmable logic devices, 4 and ultrahigh density patterned storage media. 5 From a fundamental viewpoint, nanomagnets offer by virtue of their low dimensionality, a wide range of magnetic properties which are not observed in their continuous bulk counterparts, especially when the size becomes comparable to or smaller than certain characteristic length scales such as spin diffusion length, carrier mean free path, and magnetic domain wall width. 6 Therefore, the influence of shape and size on the magnetic properties of square, 7-9 circular, 10,11 elliptical, 12,13 diamond, 14 and triangular 15 shaped nanomagnets has been widely investigated.Recently, a substantial amount of study has also been conducted on ring shaped nanomagnets driven by its technological importance and appealing magnetic states, namely, the flux-closure or "vortex" state in which the magnetization is oriented circumferentially around the ring, either clockwise or counterclockwise, and the bidomain or "onion" state in which two halves of the ring magnetization adopt opposite circulations, with each half separated by 180°domain walls. 16 For successful implementation in any magnetoelectronic device, it is imperative to achieve a consistent and experimentally tunable switching mechanism in such ring elements. As a source of unidirectional anisotropy, it has been shown that exchange bias ͑EB͒ can be used to control the reversal mechanisms in patterned nanomagnets. 17 While the majority of work on rings has been concerned with single layer, 16,18 or pseudospin valve structures, 19-21 there is limited reported work on EB bilayer rings 22-24 especially at low temperatures.In this work, a systematic study of the magnetic properties of EB Co/CoO elongated nanoring arrays is presented as a function of temperature. We observe that the magnetization reversal in nanorings is significantly modified due to EB. The evolution in EB field H E is also inves...