We consider a general model, describing a quantum impurity with degenerate energy levels, interacting with a gas of itinerant electrons, derive general scaling equation for the model, and analyse the connection between its particular forms and the symmetry of interaction. On the basis of this analysis we write down scaling equations for the Hamiltonians which are the direct products of su(3) Lie algebras and have either SU(2)×U(1) or SU(2) symmetry. We also put into a new context anisotropic Coqblin-Schrieffer models proposed by us earlier.The scaling equation in this case isThe J z term in the interaction (32) is identical to that in equations (28) and (31). For N=3, the interaction, being expressed through the generators, is V J G J ( ) (the index DM standing for Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya). Using equation (6), we get the scaling equation as dJ d J J dJ d J J dJ d J J ln 2