We report resistivity and calorimetric measurements on two single crystals of CePd2Si2 pressurized up to 7.4 GPa. A weak uniaxial stress induced in the pressure cell demonstrates the sensitivity of the physics to anisotropy. Stress applied along the c-axis extends the whole phase diagram to higher pressures and enhances the superconducting phase emerging around the magnetic instability, with a 40% increase of the maximum superconducting temperature, Tc, and a doubled pressure range. Calorimetric measurements demonstrate the bulk nature of the superconductivity.
PACS numbers:By varying an external control parameter, such as magnetic field, composition or pressure, many heavyfermion systems may be pushed through a quantum critical point (QCP), where their magnetic ordering temperature goes to zero. In the immediate vicinity of this point, transport and thermodynamic measurements show striking deviations from standard Fermi-liquid behavior [1,2,3,4,5,6,7]. In particular, the low temperature resistivity, ρ(T ), exhibits a T n behavior with 1