It is argued that the stress caused by vortex cores in the mixed state of superconductors may result in a field dependent contribution to the free energy and magnetization of measurable levels. For sufficiently strong stress dependence of the critical temperature, ∂Tc/∂p, this contribution may result in the so-called "second peak" in the field dependence of the reversible magnetization, the effect often masked by vortex pinning and creep.PACS numbers: 74.20. De,74.25.Ha,74.25.Wx,74.62.Fj The so-called second peak in the field dependence of the magnetization M (H) in a number of type-II superconductors is a long standing puzzle. The peak has been observed in magnetization loops having a "fish tail" shape so that the loop width of the irreversible magnetization increases with increasing field in intermediate field range suggesting the critical current rise with increasing field in this domain.
1A few explanations based on peculiarities of pinning and flux creep have been offered for this apparently strange phenomenon.2 These suggestions may well be correct but they do not cover all cases in which the second peak has been observed. Puzzling in particular is the fact that in some systems the second peak has been reported also in the reversible M (H); the examples are NbSe 2 , La 1.45 Nd 0.40 Sr 0.15 CuO 4 , and CeCoIn 5 .
3-5In this work, the second peak in reversible M (H) is associated with the strain caused by normal vortex cores embedded in the superconducting phase, a "magnetoelastic" effect. The strains arise due to a small difference in densities of the normal and superconducting phases which is related to the stress dependence of the critical temperature ∂T c /∂p.6 It turned out recently that this derivative in pnictides, and in Ca(Fe 1−x Co x ) 2 As 2 in particular, 7 by one or two orders of magnitude exceeds values for conventional superconductors making Fe-based pnictides especially favorable for observation of magnetoelastic effects.Strain caused by a single vortex. Consider vortex nucleation prior to which the superconductor has been strain free. We model the vortex core as a normal (n) cylinder of radius ρ ∼ ξ, the coherence length, immersed in the superconducting (s) phase with a constant order parameter. This is a London-type approach 8 which suffices for qualitative estimates, although Ref. 9 argues that such an approach underestimates magneto-elastic effects.Nucleation of the normal core causes stress, since the n phase has a larger specific volume V n as compared to V s . The relative volume change ζ is related to the pressure dependence of the condensation energy or of the critical field H c :The elastic energy density in isotropic solids reads:where u ij is the strain tensor and λ, µ are Lamé coefficients; summation over double indices is implied. The stress tensor σ ij = ∂F/∂u ij = λu ll δ ij + 2µu ij , and the equilibrium condition ∂σ ij /∂x j ≡ σ ij,j = 0 is given byFor brevity, the coma in u ik,j is used to denote derivatives with respect to the coordinate j. For a single vortex directed...