Strong, long-range interactions present a unique challenge for the theoretical investigation of quantum many-body lattice models, due to the generation of large numbers of competing states at low energy. Here, we investigate a class of extended bosonic Hubbard models with off-site terms interpolating between short-and infinite-range, thus allowing for an exact numerical solution for all interaction strengths. We predict a novel type of stripe crystal at strong coupling. Most interestingly, for intermediate interaction strengths we demonstrate that the stripes can turn superfluid, thus leading to a self-assembled array of quasi one-dimensional superfluids. These bosonic superstripes turn into an isotropic supersolid with decreasing the interaction strength. The mechanism for stripe formation is based on cluster self-assemblying in the corresponding classical ground state, reminiscent of classical soft-matter models of polymers, different from recently proposed mechanisms for cold gases of alkali or dipolar magnetic atoms. PACS numbers: 05.30.-d, 67.80.K-, 64.75.Yz arXiv:1909.09082v1 [cond-mat.quant-gas]We discuss the effects of variations in density and interaction range on the many-body phases of [S1]. In particular, for a choice of density ρ = 1/6, we demonstrate the existence of a stripe crystal for large values of interaction strength V /t and of a quantum phase transition from an anisotropic supersolid to a homogeneous supersolid with decreasing V /t for Hamiltonian Eq. (1) in the main text [S1].