The influence of a spin-polarized current on long ferromagnetic nanostripes is studied numerically. The current flows perpendicularly to the stripe. The study is based on the Landau-Lifshitz phenomenological equation with the Slonczewski-Berger spin-torque term. The magnetization behavior is analyzed for all range of the applied currents, up to the saturation. It is shown that the saturation current is a nonmonotonic function of the stripe width. For a stripe width increasing it approaches the saturation value for an infinite film. A number of stable periodic magnetization structures are observed below the saturation. Type of the periodical structure depends on the stripe width. Besides the one-dimensional domain structure, typical for narrow wires, and the two-dimensional vortex-antivortex lattice, typical for wide films, a number of intermediate structures are observed, e.g. cross-tie and diamond state. For narrow stripes an analytical analysis is provided.PACS numbers: 75.10. Hk, 75.40.Mg, 72.25.Ba, A magnetic nanostripe is a convenient system for studying the dynamics of magnetization structures driven by a spin-polarized current. Typically the current is passed along the stripe, which causes a movement of the domain wall. This phenomenon is widely studied both theoretically and experimentally, see e.g. reviews 1-4. Nevertheless the influence of a perpendicular current on the stripe magnetization dynamics is also of high interest for spintronic applications. Recently it was predicted theoretically 5 and later confirmed experimentally 6-9 that the perpendicular current can excite the domain wall motion with much higher velocity comparing to the in-plane current.Recently we have studied the action of the strong perpendicular spin-polarized current on a nanomagnet for two limit cases, namely a planar two-dimensional film 10,11 and a narrow one-dimensional wire 12 . In both cases a stable periodical structure induced by the spincurrent is found in the pre-saturated regime: a square vortex-antivortex lattice is formed in a film and a onedimensional domain structure is formed in a wire. The aim of this paper is to make a link between these limit cases. For this purpose we consider thin and long stripe shaped samples of different widths. By varying the stripe width we study the current induced magnetization behavior in wide range, starting from quasi-one dimensional narrow strips (w/h 1) and up to quasi two-dimensional wide strips (w/h 1), where w and h denote respectively the stripe width and thickness. The following analysis is made under the assumption that the stripe is sufficiently long, so that L w and L h with L being the stripe length. We also assume that the stripe is thin enough to ensure uniformity of the magnetization along the thickness. Details of the problem geometry are shown in Fig. 1.Our study is based on the Landau-Lifshitz-Slonczewski phenomenological equation [13][14][15] : where m = M /M s = (m x , m y , m z ) is the normalized magnetization, M s is the saturation magnetization. The overdot in...