The layered 2D van der Waals ferromagnets
CrX3 (X =
Cl, Br, I) show broad d–d photoluminescence (PL). Here we report
preparation, structural characterization, and spectroscopic studies
of all three CrX3 compounds doped with the optical impurity,
Yb3+. EXAFS measurements show very similar Cr K-edge and
Yb L-edge data for each doped compound, and good fits of the latter
are obtained for structures having Yb3+ occupying substitutional
octahedral sites. Yb–X bond lengths are systematically ∼0.25
Å larger than their Cr–X counterparts. 4 K PL measurements
show efficient sensitization of Yb3+ luminescence upon
photoexcitation into lattice absorption bands [Cr3+ d–d
and ligand-to-metal charge-transfer (LMCT)] for all three compounds,
converting their nondescript broadband d–d PL into sharp f–f
emission. The PL of CrCl3:Yb3+ and CrBr3:Yb3+ occurs at energies typical for [YbX6]3– with these halides, with PL decay times of
0.5–1.0 ms at 4 K, but CrI3:Yb3+ displays
anomalously low-energy Yb3+ emission and an unusually short
PL decay time of only 8 μs at 4 K. Data analysis and angular
overlap model (AOM) calculations show that Yb3+ in CrI3:Yb3+ has a lower spin–orbit splitting energy
than reported for any other Yb3+ in any other compound.
We attribute these observations to exceptionally high covalency of
the Yb3+ f orbitals in CrI3:Yb3+ stemming
primarily from the shallow valence-shell ionization potentials of
the iodide anions.