Avoided crossing of the emission lines of a nearly free positive trion and a cyclotron replica of an exciton bound to an interface acceptor has been observed in the magneto-photoluminescence spectra of p-doped GaAs quantum wells. Identification of the localized state depended on the precise mapping of the anti-crossing pattern. The underlying coupling is caused by an exciton transfer combined with a resonant cyclotron excitation of an additional hole. The emission spectrum of the resulting magnetically tunable coherent state probes weak localization in the quantum well.PACS numbers: 71.35. Ji, 71.35.Pq, 73.21.Fg, 78.20.Ls Carrier localization is attracting strong current interest fueled by anticipated applications in quantum information technology. For example, charged quantum dots may be used for storage purposes [1], while localized spins are considered as promising quantum bit candidates [2]. Particularly for the latter purpose it seems promising to study also carriers bound to defect atoms [3], as smaller extension of their wave function (compared to quantum dots) enhances protection from decoherence. Because of their weaker coupling with the nuclei [4], valence band holes appear especially attractive for information storage by localized spins.On the other hand, small spatial extent also aggravates external manipulation. For example, matrix elements for optical excitation are strongly reduced. In addition, longrange coupling between confined excitations is expected to be rather weak. A possible solution may be coupling of the localized excitations to delocalized ones. This can be obtained by placing the defects close to a quantum well, serving as an interface channel. The quantum well may also be used for efficient optical excitation, after which the photo-injected (and possibly spin-polarized) carriers are exchanged with the localization centers. For deterministic coupling between localized and delocalized excitations they must be brought in resonance where they show a pronounced avoided level crossing -very similar to the avoided crossing observed for tunnel coupled electronic states in quantum dot molecules [5].In this Letter, we report on the coupling between the nearly free and strongly localized states of different excitonic complexes formed in a two-dimensional hole gas in a high magnetic field, and study optical emission from the resulting magnetically tunable coherent state. (By "nearly free" we mean either mobile or, more likely, weakly localized on remote charges or width fluctuations, in contrast to the "strong localization" on nearby charges.) The interacting states are the positive trion X + [6] and the AX complex whose binding center A − is a bare acceptor at an interface of the well. In a high magnetic field, the difference in their binding energy is arXiv:1202.6077v1 [cond-mat.str-el]