When high-frequency
radiation is incident upon graphene subjected
to a perpendicular magnetic field, graphene absorbs incident photons
by allowing transitions between nearest Landau levels that follow
strict selection rules dictated by angular momentum conservation.
Here, we show a qualitative deviation from this behavior in high-quality
graphene devices exposed to terahertz (THz) radiation. We demonstrate
the emergence of a pronounced THz-driven photoresponse, which exhibits
low-field magnetooscillations governed by the ratio of the frequency
of the incoming radiation and the quasiclassical cyclotron frequency.
We analyze the modifications of generated photovoltage with the radiation
frequency and carrier density and demonstrate that the observed photoresponse
shares a common origin with microwave-induced resistance oscillations
discovered in GaAs-based heterostructures; however, in graphene it
appears at much higher frequencies and persists above liquid nitrogen
temperatures. Our observations expand the family of radiation-driven
phenomena in graphene, paving the way for future studies of nonequilibrium
electron transport.