The time-resolved resonant light scattering spectrum following short pulse excitation provides information on the various inelastic (energy relaxation) and elastic (phase relaxation) relaxation processes of an exciton system. Taking properly the implications of the measurement process into account this can be exploited to discriminate between Raman scattering processes, proceeding without loss of coherence, and hot luminescence, occurring after phase relaxation. The coherent nature of the states can be directly revealed by quantum beats in the time-dependent scattering spectrum if the resonant states are energetically split. Such experiments are presented for bound excitons in CdS and the lowest exciton-polariton in Cu,O. These measurements allow to deduce feefined magneto-optical parameters due to the high energy resolution of this method. The exciton dephasing times found are surprisingly long (up to 1 ns) and determined by energy relaxation due to phonon scattering. Pure dephasing due to elastic scattering gives only a minor contribution.