In this article, we study the generalized Duffin-Kemmer-Petiau (DKP) oscillator in the presence ofthe Aharonov-Bohm (AB) flux field in a topological defect space-times background. This generalized DKPoscillator will investigate by a nonminimal substitution of the momentum operator $\vec{p} →\vec{p}+i M ω η^{0} f(r) \hat{r}$ in the relativistic DKP equation, where f(r) is the linear plus Coulomb potential function (called Cornell-typepotential function). We solve this wave equation in a cosmic string space-time background and obtain theenergy levels and the wave function using the parametric Nikiforov-Uvarov method. Afterwards, we solve thegeneralized DKP oscillator in a point-like global monopole background, and obtain the energy levels and thewave functions using the same method. We see that the energy eigenvalues depend on the geometric quantumphase, and thus, calculate the persistent currents of the quantum system. Finally, we study the thermodynamicproperties of the quantum systems and calculate the partition function and other quantities, such as Helmholtzfree energy, mean free energy, specific heat capacity, and entropy in cosmic string space-time and point-likeglobal monopole background. We show that the eigenvalue solutions and thermodynamic functions obtainedin both cases are influenced by the topological defects of cosmic string space-time and global monopole, thequantum flux field, and the Cornell-type potential function and get them modified in comparison to the flatspace result.
PACS 03.65.Pm · 03.65.Ge · 14.80.Hv · 98.80.Cq · 02.30.Gp · 05.30.-d · 05.70.Ce