Structural modifications and their impact upon magnetic properties are studied in amorphous NANOPERM‐type 57Fe81Mo10Cu1B10 metallic glass exposed to irradiation with 130 keV N+ ions to the total fluencies of up to 2.5 × 1017 ions/cm2. Using surface sensitive technique of Mössbauer spectrometry, traces of crystalline phases are found already in the as‐quenched state after the sample production. On the air side of the ribbons, bcc‐Fe dominates whereas on the opposite wheel side, also a presence of Fe3O4 is unveiled. The amount of surface crystallization is higher on the wheel side of the ribbons. After ion irradiation, mostly the air side is affected because it was facing the incident ions. Gradual formation of iron nitrides is observed with increasing ion fluence. Though the radiation damage exhibits itself only at this side of the ribbons, its influence upon bulk magnetic properties is clearly identified by the help of magnetic measurements. Hysteresis loops exhibit changes in their shape as well as coercive field. Along with the formation of magnetic crystalline phases (bcc‐Fe and nitrides), they are caused by structural rearrangement which takes place also inside the amorphous residual phase. Structural modifications are confirmed via evolution of hyperfine magnetic fields with ion fluence.
Structural modification of the 57Fe81Mo10Cu1B10 alloy caused by ion irradiation as demonstrated by microstructural (Mössbauer spectrometry (a,b)) and macroscopic (hysteresis loops (c,d)) measurements. As‐quenched (a,c) and 2.5 × 1017 N+/cm2 irradiated (b,d) alloys are compared.