In RCu2 compounds (R=rare earth) magnetostriction results from two different sources, the single ion crystal field contribution and the two ion exchange interaction. The crystal field contribution can also be observed above the magnetic ordering temperature and leads to giant magnetostriction in high magnetic fields at some members of the series. The exchange contribution has to be considered additionally when describing the magnetostriction in the magnetically ordered state. A new feature of the mean field–Monte Carlo simulation program McPhase ( allows to calculate the magnetic phase diagram and model the exchange contribution. We present new data of thermal expansion and the longitudinal and transversal magnetostriction of NdCu2 with magnetic field applied along the a, b, and c direction of the orthorhombic single crystal. These data are compared to the results of a McPhase simulation, which is based on exchange parameters derived from measurements of the magnetic excitations. The magnetoelastic interaction is compared to the case of GdCu2. The analysis can be extended to other RCu2 compounds.