Magnetoelectricity in bulk strain‐mediated multiferroic composites has been growing in attention for sensor and actuator applications. For actuator applications, where electric to magnetic coupling is utilized, the magnetoelectric composite alters the magnetic field which it is within resulting in full‐field spatial and directional changes to the magnetic flux. To grasp a better understanding of the full‐field magnetic behavior of a magnetoelectric composite with a complex geometry, multiple magnetic flux measurements in different locations and directions are taken to unveil interesting behaviors and phenomena such as modality and postfabrication material property modification. Remarkably, a significant multidirectional magnetic flux is measured at a distance away from the composite which can be harnessed to improve the efficiency of multiferroic actuators. In addition, the intensity and directionality of the magnetic flux is highly tunable by modifying the frequency and bias magnetic field depending on the need for the application.