In this study, we examine the rotating and heat transfer on the peristaltic and electro-osmatic flow of a Jeffery fluid in an asymmetric microchannel with slip impact. A pressure gradient and anal axially imposed electric field work together to impact the electro-osmotic flow (EOF). Mathematical modeling is imported by employing the low Reynolds number and long wavelength approximation. The exact solution has been simplified for the stream function, temperature, and velocity distributions. The effects of diverse egress quantities on the gush virtue are exhibited and discussed with the help of graphs. The shear stress and trapping phenomena have been investigated. The characterization of results has been resolved for the flow governing ingrained appropriate parameters by employing the table. Our findings can be summarized as follows: (i) Debye length has a strong influence on the conducting viscous fluid of EOF in non-uniform micro-channel. (ii) The temperature field is enhanced through the elevated values of the rotation parameter and EOF. (iii) The shear stress has oscillatory behavior and the heat transmission rate increases with the magnitude of larger values of EOF. Finally, there is good agreement between the current results and those that have already been published. This model applies to the study of chemical fraternization/separation procedures and bio-microfluidic devices for the resolution of diagnosis.