STARFIRE project organization 2 2.1-1 Major radius as a function of neutron wall load at four values of the aspect ratio, A 2.1-2 Cost of energy as a function of neutron wall load .... 2.1-3 B as a function of A at several values of F ..... in nw 2.1-4 Variation of the maximum magnetic field with the o-particle concentration, n /n DT , and other impurity concentration, n Be /n DT. .. . ? 2.1-5 Variation of the maximum magnetic field and plasma current with the average electron temperature, Te 2.1-6 Cost of energy as a function of aspect ratio for a steadystate reactor in two cases for the electrical power, P r f, required for the current-drive system: P r f = 0 and P r £ = 502-84A where A is the aspect ratio 2.2-1 STARFIRE reference design 2.2-2 STARFIRE reactor design 2.2-3 Shield design 31 3.1-1 Maximum stable beta versus q J • 36 3.1-2 Limiter/vacuum duct concept 46 3.2-1 Effect of structural materials on biological hazard potential 79 3.2-2 Isotopic contribution to BHP in air for Li blanket system with ferritic steel type X as the structural material 80 3.2-3 Effect of coolant materials 82 3.2-4 Predicted tritium inventory in candidate solid breeding materials (20 mesh) as a function of temperature after low-fluence irradiations 88 3.2-5 Pressurized module concept 94 3.2-6 Blanket module cross section-helium cooled 100 3.2-7 A schematic for the water-cooled blanket design 103 3.2-8 Backup: Lithium-cooled blanket 105 vii List of Figures (Continued) Page 3.3-1 A schematic of the heat transport and power cycle .... 107 3.3-2 Effect of pipe size and number of primary helium loops on pumping power for piping system only (steam generator and blanket pumping power not included) Ill 3.4-1 STARFIRE: TF-Coils. (24 kA conductor; 7-9 Tesla region) 122 3.4-2 STARFIRE: TF-Coils. [24 kA conductor; low field region (0-5 Tesla)] 3.4-3 STARFIRE: TF-Coils. (Conductor/support strip modules; 7-9 Tesla field region) 3.4-4 STARFIRE: TF-Coils [Conductor/support strip modules; low field region (0-5 Tesla)] 3.4-5 STARFIRE TF coil out of plane load 3.5-1 Vacuum pumping requirements for limiter-vacuum system. . 3.5-2 Fuel cycle scenario for STARFIRE 3.6-1 STARFIRE facility 3.8-1 Relative external dose from plume vs distance (STARFIRE Design) List of Tables Page 1.1-1 STARFIRE task responsibilities 3 1.1-2 STARFIRE advisory committees 4 2.2-1 STARFIRE major design features 25 2.2-2 STARFIRE plasma parameters 26 2.2-3 STARFIRE impurity control 27 2.2-4 STARFIRE plasma current drive and heating 28 2.2-5 STARFIRE major design characteristics for first-wall/ blanket 28 2.2-6 STARFIRE major design characteristics for the shield system ..