Electron-cyclotron and neutral-beam heating have been used to produce currentless plasma with (p) ~ (1-2)% in the Heliotron-is device. For moderately peaked profiles, magnetohydrodynamic activity that peaks at the t = 1 surface has been observed. The characteristics of the fluctuations are consistent with theoretical expectations for an m = 1 pressuredriven instability. The magnetohydrodynamic activity is associated with particle and energy losses but has not yet been directly linked to global confinement.PACS numbers: 52.55. Ke, Stellarator/heliotron devices are attractive fusion reactor candidates because they offer the prospect of steady-state operation without plasma current, thus eliminating a major driving force for instabilities and the need for current drive. A critical parameter determining reactor feasibility is the maximum ratio of plasma pressure to magnetic field pressure, beta (f3 = 2fjL 0 p/B 2 ), that can be confined. This "beta limit" is likely to be influenced by magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) instabilities driven by the plasma pressure gradient. l~7 In this Letter we report the first experimental observations of MHD activity in high-/?, currentless plasmas in the Heliotron-Z? device.Heliotron-i? is a large device (major radius R = 220 cm, average plasma minor radius a = 20 cm) with an / = 2, m = 19 helical field having high rotational transform (t) and shear. 8 For these experiments, the auxiliary toroidal field coils were not energized, so that the confining field was produced by the helical and vertical field coils alone. The vacuum field rotational-transform profile is then tr(T/a) = 0.55+1.95(7/a) 4 ; thus, the t=l surface lies at 7/5 -0.7.The high-/? experiments were performed at a toroidal field B T = 0.94 T. Currentless target plasmas were produced with second-harmonic electron-cyclotron heating (ECH) using 100 to 300 kW of rf power from one or two 53.2-GHz Varian gyrotrons. Gas puffing was applied during the 40-to 50-ms ECH pulse to raise the average density n e to (1-2) x 10 13 cm" 3 , at which time one 28° coinjecting neutral-beam line was turned on, followed by a perpendicular injector and an additional coinjector 30 to 40 ms later. Up to 2.4 MW of neutral power at an energy of 23-30 keV was thus injected into the torus. Gas puffing was used to raise the density further during injection to reduce shinethrough losses, and the plasma parameters during the high-/? portion of the discharge were typically n e = (4-10)xl0 13 cm" 3 , T e0 = 300-500 eV, T i0 = 200-500 eV, and r E (gross) == 10 ms. In this Letter, we use central beta (/? 0 ) and volume-averaged beta ((ft)) values based on profile measurements 8 with Thomson scattering, far-infrared (FIR) laser and 2-mm microwave interferometry, scanning chargeexchange neutral analysis, and Doppler broadening of impurity lines. To avoid excessive impurity influx due to large beam shinethrough power flux to the chamber wall, we operate at n e > 4x 10 13 cm -3 . At these densities, we find that, as in high-density, high-/? tokamaks, 9 the fast ion co...