The chemical components and carefully selected thermal treatment of the material sample give the possibility to obtain a alloy with appropriate magnetic properties. The paper presents the results of the microstructure and magnetic properties of the Fe81(PtRh)5Zr7Nb1Cu1B5 amorphous alloy in the state after solidification and after thermal treatment. Each sample was annealed at four steps, 15 min at every temperature, starting from 600 K up to +800 K depending on type of alloy. The alloys were investigated in as-quenched state, obtained in the form of thin ribbons with approximate dimensions: width 3 mm and thickness 20 µm. The ribbons were obtained from high purity elements by melting with the use of arc. The production process was carried out in a protective atmosphere of an inert gas (Ar). Structure and microstructure were investigated using the Mössbauer spectroscopy and X-ray diffractometry. The Mössbauer spectra were recorded using a POLON Mössbauer spectrometer, equipped with a 57 Co (Rh) source with 50 mCi activity, at room temperature. The Mössbauer transmission spectra were analyzed using the "NORMOS" software. X-ray diffraction of the investigated strips was carried out using a Brucker Advance D8 diffractometer. From X-ray and the Mössbauer spectroscopy investigations, it has been stated that the asquenched samples were fully amorphous.