We study lattice models of charged particles in uniform magnetic fields. We show how longer range hopping can be engineered to produce a massively degenerate manifold of single-particle ground states with wavefunctions identical to those making up the lowest Landau level of continuum electrons in a magnetic field. We find that in the presence of local interactions, and at the appropriate filling factors, Laughlin's fractional quantum Hall wavefunction is an exact many-body ground state of our lattice model. The hopping matrix elements in our model fall off as a Gaussian, and when the flux per plaquette is small compared to the fundamental flux quantum one only needs to include nearest and next nearest neighbor hoppings. We suggest how to realize this model using atoms in optical lattices, and describe observable consequences of the resulting fractional quantum Hall physics.PACS numbers: 03.75. Lm,67.85.Hj,03.75.Hh, The interplay between periodic potentials and magnetic fields is an important topic [1][2][3][4][5]. In the tight binding limit, the lattice broadens the Landau levels into a series of finite bandwidth "Hofstadter bands" which can be represented as a self-similar fractal. Since the original band-gaps persist, the integer quantum Hall effects are robust against the lattice. The split degeneracy, however, invalidates many of the analytic arguments used to explain the fractional quantum Hall effect [6][7][8][9], and questions remain about the nature of the interacting system. Here, by adding longer range hoppings to a Hubbard model, we produce a Hamiltonian for which several Hofstadter bands coalesce into a single degenerate manifold. Adding local repulsion between the particles, we show that at appropriate filling factors the Laughlin wavefunction becomes an exact ground-state.In a uniform magnetic field, the most general hopping Hamiltonian on a two-dimensional square lattice iswhere the position of the j'th lattice site is written in complex notation as z j = x j + iy j , and z = z k − z j . The operators a j annihilate an atom at site j. The phase factor z j z * − z * j z φ = 2i (x j y − y j x) φ, corresponds to a uniform magnetic field in the symmetric gauge, with flux φ through each plaquette. This flux is only defined modulo 1, and having a full flux quantum through each plaquette is gauge equivalent to no flux. We will explicitly assume 0 ≤ φ ≤ 1, and take φ = p/q to be the ratio of two relatively prime integers. If one chooses W to be −t for nearest neighbors and zero otherwise, one reproduces the Hofstadter spectrum [1]. We show that if instead we chooseG (z) ≡ (−1) x+y+xy , the lowest p Hofstadter bands collapses to a single fully degenerate Landau level. Although we work in the symmetric gauge A = (B/2) (xŷ − yx), converting our results to other gauges is trivial: under a gauge transformation A(r) → A(r) + ∇Λ(r) and c j → c j e iΛ(r j ) . The flux is measured in units of φ 0 = h/e, where h is Planck's constant, and e is the electric charge. Our derivation of this Hamiltonian is similar to one...