Earth's bow shock, resulting from the interaction of the super-magnetosonic solar wind and Earth's magnetic field, has been studied for over 50 years and serves as an ideal astrophysical laboratory to study collisionless shocks. The Earth's bow shock offers a unique opportunity to study it through in-situ measurements. Shocks are one of nature's most powerful particle accelerators and have been connected to relativistic electron acceleration and cosmic rays. Upstream shock observations include wave generation, wave-particle interactions and SLAMS, while at the shock and downstream, particle acceleration, magnetic reconnection and plasma jets can be observed.
Here, using Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) we show the first in-situ evidence of super-magnetosonic downstream flows (jets) generated at the Earth’s bow shock as a direct consequence of shock reformation. Jets are observed downstream due to a combined effect of upstream plasma wave evolution and an ongoing reformation cycle of the bow shock. This generation process can also be applicable to planetary and astrophysical plasmas where collisionless shocks are commonly found.