S U M M A R YThe principle of a Curie balance was changed by using a sinusoidally cycling applied magnetic field instead of a fixed applied field. This was done with a horizontal translation type Curie balance. By cycling between field values B,,, and B,,,, the output signal is amenable to Fourier analysis. Partial Fourier analysis yields the fundamental harmonic and the second harmonic, termed SIG, and SIGz respectively. These are related to the saturation magnetization (Ms) by M, = (2 SIG, -8 SIG2 [ ( B m a x + B m i n ) / ( B m a x -Bm,,,)]}/[A"(Bmdx -Bm,,,)] and to the paramagnetic susceptibility (xpdr) by xpar = 8 SIGz/[A"(B,,, -B,,,J2], whereby A" is a calibration constant. Through the Fourier analysis continuous drift correction is achieved simultaneously. A personal computer takes care of field control, temperaturecontrol and data acquisition in real time mode, as well as processing the data, to yield SIG, and SIGz. After the experiment, SIG, and SIG, are processed further with a separate transversal filtering program that improves the signal-to-noise ratio. The working temperature range of the adapted horizontal translation type Curie balance is between room temperature and 900°C. Its noise level corresponds to a magnetic moment of 2 x lop9 Am2, making it a very powerful tool for thermomagnetic analysis of weakly magnetic material. Examples demonstrating this potential of the device are shown.