A new class of multilayered functional materials has recently emerged in which the component atomic layers are held together by weak van der Waals forces that preserve the structural integrity and physical properties of each layer [1]. An exemplar of such a structure is a transistor device in which relativistic Dirac Fermions can resonantly tunnel through a boron nitride barrier, a few atomic layers thick, sandwiched between two graphene electrodes. An applied magnetic field quantises graphene's gapless conduction and valence band states into discrete Landau levels, allowing us to resolve individual inter-Landau level transitions and thereby demonstrate that the energy, momentum and chiral properties of the electrons are conserved in the tunnelling process. We also demonstrate that the change in the semiclassical cyclotron trajectories, following a tunnelling event, is a form of Klein tunnelling for inter-layer transitions.An electron moving through the hexagonal crystal structure of graphene is not only quasi-relativistic but also exhibits chirality [2], which means that its wavefunction amplitude is intrinsically coupled to the direction of motion. This gives rise to the phenomenon of Klein tunnelling whereby an electron can pass with unity transmission through a potential barrier formed in the graphene layer [3,4]. In principle, chirality should affect the electronic properties of graphene-based devices. To investigate this effect we focus on a van der Waals heterostructure in which Dirac fermions can resonantly tunnel between two graphene electrodes separated by a hexagonal boron nitride tunnel barrier [5][6][7][8]. Recent work on this type of transistor has demonstrated that even a small misalignment of the crystalline lattices of the two graphene electrodes lowers the translation symmetry in the plane of the tunnel barrier and gives rise to an impulse which modifies the dynamics of the tunnelling electron [7][8][9][10][11][12]. By applying a quantising magnetic field perpendicular to the layers, we show that electron tunnelling is governed by the laws of conservation of energy and of in-plane momentum. In addition, we find that the effect of electron chirality on the tunnel current is enhanced by a quantising magnetic field. We a θ KbSilicon dioxide B I θ Figure 1: a Schematic of the device showing the two misaligned graphene lattices (bottom, red and top, blue) separated by a boron nitride tunnel barrier, yellow. b dashed black lines show the Brillouin zone boundary for electrons in the bottom graphene layer. Red arrows show the vector positions of the Dirac points K b ± (red circles) relative to the Γ point. Blue arrows show the positions of the Dirac points in the top layer, Kt ± (blue circles), misorientated at an angle θ to the bottom layer.also demonstrate that, following an electron tunnelling transition, the semiclassical cyclotron trajectory of the electron changes in a way that is analogous to intralayer Klein tunnelling.Our device, with bias, V b , and gate, V g , voltages applied, is shown schem...