We have investigated the antiferromagnetic ͑AF͒ phase transition and spin correlations in NiO by hightemperature neutron diffraction below and above T N . We show that AF phase transition is a continuous second-order transition within our experimental resolution. The spin correlations manifested by the strong diffuse magnetic scattering persist well above T N Ϸ 530 K and could still be observed at T = 800 K which is about 1.5T N . We argue that the strong spin correlations above T N are due to the topological frustration of the spins on a fcc lattice. The Néel temperature is substantially reduced by this process. We determined the critical exponents  = 0.328Ϯ 0.002 and = 0.64Ϯ 0.03 and the Néel temperature T N = 530Ϯ 1 K. These critical exponents suggest that NiO should be regarded as a 3dXY system. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.79.172403 PACS number͑s͒: 75.25.ϩz Transition-metal oxides have been the subject of renewed interest ever since high-temperature superconductivity was discovered in cuprate materials. The transition-metal oxides with narrow d bands form strongly correlated electron systems or a Mott-Hubbard system in which Coulomb interactions between electrons lead to a breakdown of the conventional band theory. In such a system, hole or electron doping may transform an insulating antiferromagnet into a highly correlated metal. 1,2 In selected copper oxides, the metal can superconduct, while in others it is a strongly renormalized Fermi liquid. In manganites for example the doping transforms the insulating antiferromagnet into a ferromagnetic metal with colossal magnetoresistive properties. 3 Among the transition-metal oxides the antiferromagnetic NiO plays a key role in the studies of the electronic and magnetic properties of correlated 3d-electron system. NiO, along with other transition-metal oxides MnO, FeO, and CoO, crystallizes with the face-centered-cubic ͑space group Fm3m͒ NaCl-type structure. The magnetic properties of pure NiO are well known. Ni 2+ ions in NiO are in an S = 1 state and order at T N = 530 K in the type-II antiferromagnetic structure with the propagation vector k = ͑ 1 2 , 1 2 , 1 2 ͒. Ferromagnetic ͑111͒ layers are antiferromagnetically stacked along the ͓111͔ direction. The magnetic moments of Ni lie in the ͑111͒ plane and there is now considerable evidence that they lie in the ͓1,1,−2͔ direction. 4 There is a rhombohedral distortion at T N which increases as the temperature is lowered. The electronic structure of NiO has been extensively investigated. [5][6][7] There are strong indications that NiO is a charge-transfer insulator 5 in which the top of the valence band is primarily formed by oxygen 2p states, while the bottom of the conduction band is Ni-3d like. The insulating state is characterized by a band gap of about 4 eV. Magnetic exchange interactions in NiO have been calculated 7-9 and have also been determined by measuring the spin-wave dispersion by inelastic neutron scattering. 10 The spin-wave dispersion in NiO could be described by a nearest-neighbor ͑NN͒ ferromag...