Kirishima Shinmoe-dake, located in southern Kyushu, Japan, erupted in October 2017 after 6 years of quiescence. Analysis of volcanic gas indicates that magma upwelling from depth affected this eruption. Shinmoe-dake's recent eruptive history also includes phreatic eruptions in 2008 and 2010 and a magmatic eruption in 2011. We examined spatial and temporal variations in b-values to investigate the magma plumbing system in and around Shinmoe-dake and its possible effects on unrest. A region with relatively high b-values (b = 1.5) is located at depths of − 1.0 to 2.0 km below sea level beneath the summit. It is likely that this anomalous region was generated by crustal heterogeneity, as it colocates to pressure sources. We investigated temporal variations in b-values from January 2007 to October 2017 in two regions: beneath the summit and 7.0-8.0 km northwest of the summit; the latter corresponds to the region above the locations of pressure sources related to the 2011 and 2017 eruptions. An increase in the b-value (b = 1.4) beneath the summit was observed beginning in early 2009, followed by a subsequent decrease (b = 0.9) immediately before and during the 2011 eruption. Similar temporal changes in the b-value were also observed beneath the summit before the 2017 eruption. From these results, we can infer that the increase and subsequent decrease in b-value express the activation of small cracks, due to the generation of hydrothermal fluids, and the development of cracks, which produces higher magnitude earthquakes, respectively. Meanwhile, a decrease in b-value (b = 0.6) was observed in the region northwest of the summit during the 2011 and 2017 eruptions. Thus, it is possible that the decreases in b-value in this region result from the activation of small cracks and the development of these crack systems and/or a change in the stress field near the magma chamber, which produce higher magnitude earthquakes. which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made.