It deals with the Biosafety Plan of the Department of Social Work - DSS of the Institute of Philosophy, Humanities and Social Sciences - IFCHS of the Federal University of Amazonas - UFAM, prepared by the Planning Commission of the Department of Social Work to the Biosafety Plan's Institute of Philosophy, Human and Social Sciences, instituted by Ordinance nº 5, of June 23, 2020, of the DSS. The presented Biosafety Plan provides guidance on measures to prevent the transmission of COVID-19 which apply to all workplaces and all people in the workplace and which include measures to prevent hygiene and social distance. It aims to preserve lives, aiming to reconcile the return of the presential and remote activities of the DSS / IFCHS, based on surveillance and monitoring, corroborating with the prevention of the spread of the new Coronavirus or Covid-19. Biosafety is understood here as the set of actions aimed at preventing, minimizing or eliminating risks inherent in administrative, teaching, research, extension, innovation, technological development and service provision activities, aiming at the health of human beings, animals , the preservation of the environment and the quality of the results. The plan seeks to cover the various peculiarities of university life, presents guidelines and instructions for the operation and development of classroom activities and distance from professors, administrative staff and students, in the IFCHS space, and, consequently, in the UFAM space. This Plan considers the different approaches for the different sectors of the University, when considering the public service surrounding the department and the institute mentioned and the nature of the activities developed in each sector, in the same way that the “University Biosafety Plan” considers. Federal do Amazonas against the disease pandemic by SARS-COV-2 (COVID-19) ”, approved at the University Council Meeting on July 14, 2020 (Resolution 003/2020 - CONSUNI).