“…He fled to the street outside, where a barrel organ was playing ‘Ach, du Lieber Augustin’, something to which he apparently attributed the intrusion of popular, even banal elements into his music, even at moments of heightened tension (Gartenberg, 1978, p. 173). As a teenager trying to come to terms with the death of his beloved brother Ernst, he started work on an opera, Herzog Ernst von Schwaben as a memorial to him; neither music nor the libretto have survived (Gartenberg, 1978 p. 6, p. 220). We do, however, have his cantata, Das klagende Lied , finished in 1880, and which tells the tale of a man who murders his brother and whose treachery is revealed when he plays a flute, fashioned from the bones of the slain brother, which sings the truth.…”