Assimilation of observational data in the marine ecosystem adaptive models constructed by the adaptive balance of causes method is considered. It is shown that the feedback balance between the ecosystem variables and the rates of their change used in the method equations, permits to introduce a stationary state of the ecosystem characterized by the observed mean values of the variables. The method for assessing the normalized coefficients of influences based on application of the Euler theorem on homogeneous functions to the functions representing material balances of biochemical reactions of the substance transformation is proposed. It is shown that the normalized ratios of the modeled process mean values can be used as the estimates of the reaction product derivatives obtained on the basis of their resources included in the equations of material balances. Onedimensional adaptive model of the sea upper layer ecosystem is constructed as an example; it is based on the scheme of cause-effect relations of the Fasham, Dacklow and McKelvie model of plankton dynamics and nitrogen cycle It is shown that in such a model, observational data is assimilated by automatic adaptation of the model variables to the assimilated information providing that the substance material balance are preserved in the transformation reactions. The data simulating both observations of the chlorophyll a concentrations and the marine environment dynamics are assimilated in the model. Time scenarios of the biochemical processes are constructed; they confirm applicability of the proposed method for assessing the effect coefficients based on the ratios of the simulated process mean values.
IntroductionA growing amount of information on the processes in the sea upper layer, which is due to the development of numerical modeling of marine environment physical characteristics [1] and sea surface satellite monitoring [2,3], offers the prospects of operative control upon the scenarios of those processes which are not directly observed. As the non-observable processes are related to the observed ones by the dependences known from the experience, a general system of equations of the sea environment mathematical model provides the calculation of scenarios of all modeled processes.In the sea upper layer ecosystems the complex biochemical interactions of substances and living objects [4,5] develop against a background of dynamic processes. The main problem of ecosystem modeling is a parameterization of cause-effect relationships between the model variables: we have to involve a huge number of empirical relationships and coefficients which significantly complicate the model equations and lead to inevitable errors in the modeling results.Assimilation of observational data in the models of ecosystems is required for making the model estimations of process scenarios more realistic. This purpose is