The outcomes of the CIPM MRA are the internationally recognized Calibration and Measurement Capabilities (CMCs) of the participants of comparisons. Main results of the participating laboratories of National Metrology Institutes (NMIs) and Designated Institutes (DIs), measuring the same power in a framework EURAMET.EM-K5.1 and COOMET.EM-K5 key comparisons (KCs), are presented. 12 NMIs/DIs took part in EURAMET.EM-K5.1 KC. 13 NMIs/DIs participated in COOMET.EM-K5 KC. UME (Turkey), UMTS (Ukraine) and SMU (Slovakia) were joint participants in EURAMET.EM-K5.1 and COOMET.EM-K5 KCs.For Global Metrological Traceability, it is advisable to use a methodology for linking the results of Constative Committees (CCs) KC to Regional Metrology Organizations (RMOs) KC. The linking procedure of RMOs КC with respect to reference value of CC KC is described. Linked results of EURAMET.EM-K5.1 and COOMET.EM-K5 KCs for power are presented. Special conclusions on the results of UME, UMTS and SMU who participated in both KCs are presented.