Throughout history, Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) have overcome countless challenges to achieve their goals of maintaining cultural traditions, providing key leadership and role models, assuring economic functions, addressing issues between minority and majority populations, and producing Black agents for research, institutional training, and information dissemination within the Black and other minority communities. Using a Scholarly Personal Narrative (SPN), this article focuses on the function, legacy, and relevance of current HBCUs. Using W. E. B. Du Bois’s “double consciousness” as a theoretical framework, each of the 12 contributing scholars address these questions: How have you reconciled your individual strivings? Has the HBCU placed a role in your reconciliation process? What SPN is emblematic of your reconciliation process? These questions are addressed through vivid narrative accounts that speak to the critical constructs of belonging—Black identity; gifted education, selfhood, spirituality, and theoretical frameworks. Each of these constructs represents an identity vector that points inward to the core—the HBCU.