This paper considers aspects of Software Configuration Management (SCM) in its role of supporting configurations that arise in development of software using the refinement calculus. From an SCM perspective, the primary difference between formal development methods, such as the refinement calculus, and traditional development methods is the nature of relationships within the development configuration. The relationships are very precise; occur at much finer levels of granularity; and evolve through an iterative/intertwined development process. In analysing support for the refinement calculus, this paper proposes a configuration model which defines the relationships that occur during development and how these relationships evolve as development activities are applied and modifications are made. The configuration model enables properties regarding relationships to be formally inferred. The results of these inferences may be used in developing automated support for refinement calculus developments, such as change impact analysis, traceability and remanufacturing services. Models for Configuration Management of Refinement Calculus Developments In Section 7 we consider properties that are consequences of the configuration model and how they convey useful information relating to development, such as conformance to the methodology and change impact analysis. Section 8 examines how the configuration model can provide information for constructing SCM support for the refinement calculus. Finally in section 9 we present conclusions, indicate where simplifications have been incorporated into the model and review related work. Within the paper a particular presentation style has been adopted. The definitions for the configuration models are displayed in figures enclosed in oval boxes. Other supporting figures are displayed in shadowed boxes. The notation includes atomic type and primitive relationship names being underlined; activity names are capitalised; and assumption and inference rule names are shown in typed font. 2 Software Configuration Management Software Configuration Management (SCM) is the means through which the integrity and traceability of the software system are recorded, communicated and controlled during both development and maintenance [15]. SCM is concerned with the management of configurations of components which collectively represent the software development, including management of the relationships between components and management of the persons and processes involved in the development of components. 2.1 SCM Services SCM offers a wide range of services for managing software development configurations as they evolve. These services include: Repository: Efficient storage and retrieval of versions of configuration components as well as relationships between components. For example, a repository for refinement could offer storage of the versions of development components (e.g. program fragments and proofs) and relationships between component (e.g. modification between versions, refinement between program ...