Beryllium (Be)-antigen presentation to Be-specific CD4 ϩ T cells from the lungs of patients with chronic beryllium disease (CBD) results in T cell proliferation and TNF-␣ secretion. We tested the hypothesis that Be-induced, CBD bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) T cell, transcription-dependent, TNF-␣ secretion was accompanied by specific transcription factor upregulation. After 6 h of Be stimulation, CBD BAL cells produced a median of 883 pg/ml TNF-␣ (range, 608-1,275 pg/ml) versus 198 pg/ml (range, 116-245 pg/ml) by unstimulated cells. After 12 h CBD BAL cells produced a median of 2,963 pg/ml (range, 99-9,424 pg/ml) TNF-␣ versus 55 pg/ml (range, 0-454) by unstimulated cells. Using real-time RT-PCR, Be-stimulated TNF-␣ production at 6 h was preceded by a 5-fold increase in TNF-␣ premRNA copy number:-actin copy number (Be median ratio 0.21; unstimulated median ratio 0.04). The median ratio of mature TNF-␣ mRNA:-actin mRNA was upregulated 1.4-fold (Be median ratio 0.17; unstimulated median ratio 0.12). Be exposure in the presence of the transcription inhibitor pentoxifylline (PTX) decreased CBD BAL cell TNF-␣ pre-mRNA levels Ͼ 60%, whereas treatment with the mRNA splicing inhibitor 2-aminopurine (2AP) decreased levels 40% relative to Be exposure alone. PTX treatment decreased mature TNF-␣ mRNA levels 50% while 2AP decreased levels Ͼ 80%, relative to Be exposure alone. Beryllium exposure specifically upregulated transcription factors AP-1 and NF-B. The data suggest that Be exposure induces transcription-dependent TNF-␣ production, potentially due to upregulation of specific transcription factors.