Summary. The effect of sulphonylurea therapy for 3 weeks on glucose-stimulated insulin secretion and insulin resistance was studied in Type 2 diabetic patients. The fasting plasma insulin and C-peptide concentrations on diet alone were compared with each subject's fasting concentrations on sulphonylurea treatment at a lower fasting plasma glucose and at the original diet-alone glycaemic level obtained by the hyperglycaemic clamp technique. At this isoglycaemic level (mean 11 mmol/1), plasma insulin levels increased from 6.9 mU/1 on diet alone to 12.1 mU/1 on sulphonylurea treatment (p< 0.01). The subjects were also studied by the hyperglycaemic clamp technique at mean glycaemic levels of 13 retool/1 before and after sulphonylurea treatment; the incremental insulin response was similarly enhanced from 7.6_+3.5 to 13.7+_ 6.9 mU/1 (p < 0.02) respectively. Sulphonylureas appear to reduce glycaemia by enhancing B-cell function two-fold. In the patients studied this was from approximately 21% to 37% of a normal response. Insulin resistance assessed by the same hyperglycaemic clamps as endogenous plasma insulin concentrations divided by glucose infusion rates was unchanged by sulphonylurea therapy (mean 4.37 compared to 4.40mU-1 -1. mg-1. kg-rain on diet alone).