As the aircraft maintenance is one of the very essential resources to enhance the aircraft productivities those facilities such as spears, human, and financial add to that the organizational factors in which will help to make the maintenance more efficient and safe because the safety is the priority part in maintenance in which the organization should take in consideration. The main purpose of the study is to investigate existing available literature for determining of relevant factors that have cause and effects on the ensuring of aircraft maintenance efficiency in the aviation industry in Oman. Therefore, the study uses available sources of existing literature explored to covers from Google Scholar, ProQuest, and Scopus, and other online resources. Based on this extensive review, the study determined the resource management attributes and aircraft maintenance efficiency and have moderating role effective planning and internal control in the aviation industry in the sultanate of Oman. The summary review findings of the study will fill the gap in the existing body knowledge especially prime factors affecting the attainment of aircraft maintenance efficiency, resource management attributes, effective planning and ‘internal control and aircraft maintenance in the aviation industry in the sultanate of Oman. The study recommends for policy guideline for ensuring of determining of relevant factors that have cause and effects on the ensuring of aircraft maintenance efficiency in the aviation industry in Oman.