“… - age, 8,10
- history of previous falls, 2,3,5,8,11
- medication use (eg, preoperative sedatives), 3,5,8,12
- level of consciousness (eg, alert, lethargic), 2,3,10
- ability to follow directions (eg, cognitive impairment, language barrier), 3,11‐13
- sensory impairments (eg, vision, 8 hearing), 13
- physical limitations (eg, spinal deformities), 13
- level of coordination or balance, 3,10,13
- ability to move independently (eg, limb weakness, amount of assistance required), 11,13
- toileting needs (eg, incontinence, frequency, need for assistance), 2,3,11 and
- presence of external devices (eg, catheters, drains) 8,10