is a cooperative (Indiana State Highway Commission and Purdue University) research activity in the area of highway transportation. Much of the annual research of the Indiana State Highway Commission is conducted by the Project. This publication is a brief summary of each of the research projects which were completed by the Project during the fiscal years 1975, 1976 and 1977 and those which were active in fiscal year 1978. Research in the Joint Highway Research Project is funded by the Indiana State Highway Commission (ISHC) and by Purdue University. ISHC funds all direct costs of each research project and activity. The typical overhead costs of JHRP (space, office equipment, utilities, etc.) are borne by Purdue University, This cooperative activity is truly a joint endeavor, hence the use of that word in the name. Two types of research projects are conducted by the JHRP. One is with totally ISHC funding and in the other type ISHC uses a portion of federal funds available to it for a portion of the cost. Research studies in the first type are called JHRP studies while those of the latter type are referred to as HPR studies. The JHRP Advisory Board and management selects the type of study a specific proposed study will be. Projects selected for state funding are typically small studies of short duration requiring a total expenditure of $15,000 or less and are concerned with problems unique to ISHC or are feasibility studies to determine if an idea for solution of a problem has a reasonable chance of success and to develop the background material required for the development of a major project with federal funding.