Despite the robustness of the chiral edge modes of quantum Hall systems against the superconducting proximity effect, Cooper pairs can penetrate into the chiral edge channels and carry the Josephson current in an appropriate setup. In our work, the Josephson junction of a spin-polarized quantum anomalous Hall insulator (QAHI) with a Chern number 𝜈 = 1 connecting conventional superconductors is studied from the perspective of pairing symmetry consistent with the chiral edge mode. Induced pairing states are equal-spin triplet, a combination of the even-and odd-frequency components, nonlocally extended, and have a finite momentum 2𝑘 𝐹 . The signature of the equal-spin triplet pairings is confirmed via the dependence on the interface-magnetization direction, and that of the finite-momentum pairing states via the spatial profile of the anomalous Green's function. In the presence of disorder, the robustness of the chiral edge mode leads to high sensitivity of the critical current and the equilibrium phase difference to disorder configurations, which is resulting from the interference of currentcarrying channels. The numerical calculations on a lattice model are also examined by a simplified analytical model.