The present article is an endeavor to look into some fruitful frameworks based on "Bi-maximal" neutrino mixing, from a model independent stand. The possibilities involving the correction or attenuation of the original BM mixing matrix, followed by GUT-inspired charged lepton correction are invoked. The "symmetry-basis" thus constructed, accentuates some interesting facets such as: a modified QLC relation, θ12 + θc ≈ π 4 − θ13 cos(nπ − δCP ), a possible link up between neutrino and charged lepton sectors, θ ν 13 = θ l 12 ∼ O(θC ) or that between neutrinos and quarks, θ ν 13 = θC . The study vindicates the relevance of the Bi-maximal mixing as a first approximation.