Assume you are given a finite configuration $$\Gamma $$
of disjoint rectifiable Jordan curves in $${\mathbb {R}}^n$$
. The Plateau-Douglas problem asks whether there exists a minimizer of area among all compact surfaces of genus of at most p which span $$\Gamma $$
. While the solution to this problem is well-known, the classical approaches break down if one allows for singular configurations $$\Gamma $$
, where the curves are potentially non-disjoint or self-intersecting. Our main result solves the Plateau-Douglas problem for such potentially singular configurations. Moreover, our proof works not only in $${\mathbb {R}}^n$$
but in general proper metric spaces. In particular, the existence of an area minimizer is new for disjoint configurations of Jordan curves in general complete Riemannian manifolds. A minimal surface of fixed genus p bounding a given configuration $$\Gamma $$
need not always exist, even in the most regular settings. Concerning this problem, we also generalize the approach for singular configurations via minimal sequences satisfying conditions of cohesion and adhesion to the setting of metric spaces.