Abstract. In this paper we report our experience, related to the online training for the Italian and International Olympiads in Informatics. We developed an interactive online system, based on the Contest management System (CMS), the grading system used in several major programming contests including the International Olympiads in Informatics (IOI), and used it in three distinct context: training students for the Italian Olympiads in Informatics (OII), training teachers in order to be able to assist students for the OII, and training the Italian team for the IOI. The system, that is freely available, proved to be a game changer for the whole Italian Olympiads in informatics ecosystem: in one year, we almost doubled the participation to OII, from 13k to 21k secondary school students.Being developed in CMS (http://cms-dev.github.io/), the system is highly available to extensions supporting, for instance, the production of feedback on problems solutions submitted by trainees. It is also freely available, with the idea of allowing for support to alternative necessities and developments.Keywords: programming contest, Olympiads in informatics, programming training, problem recommendation model. -mail: {gabr.farina,williamdiluigi,veluca93}@gmail.com {laura,nanni,marte}@dis.uniroma1.it Abstract. In this paper we report our experience, related to the online training for the Italian andInternational Olympiads in Informatics. We developed an interactive online system, based on the Contest management System (CMS), the grading system used in several major programming contests including the International Olympiads in Informatics (IOI), and used it in three distinct context: training students for the Italian Olympiads in Informatics (OII), training teachers in order to be able to assist students for the OII, and training the Italian team for the IOI. The system, that is freely available, proved to be a game changer for the whole Italian Olympiads in informatics ecosystem: in one year, we almost doubled the participation to OII, from 13k to 21k secondary school students. Being developed in CMS (http://cms-dev.github.io/), the system is highly available to extensions supporting, for instance, the production of feedback on problems solutions submitted by trainees. It is also freely available, with the idea of allowing for support to alternative necessities and developments.