Most pectic rhamnogalacturonan-II (RG-II) domains in plant cell walls are borate-bridged dimers. However, the sub-cellular locations, pH dependence, reversibility and biocatalyst involvement in borate bridging remain uncertain. Experiments discussed here explored these questions, utilising suspension-cultured plant cells. In-vivo pulse radiolabelling showed that most RG-II domains dimerise extremely quickly (<4 min after biosynthesis, thus while still intraprotoplasmic). This tallies with the finding that boron withdrawal causes cell wall weakening within 10–20 min, and supports a previously proposed biological role for boron/RG-II complexes specifically at the wall/membrane interface. We also discuss RG-II monomer ↔ dimer interconversion as monitored in vitro using gel electrophoresis and a novel thin-layer chromatography method to resolve monomers and dimers. Physiologically relevant acidity did not monomerise dimers, thus boron bridge breaking cannot be a wall-loosening mechanism in ‘acid growth’; nevertheless, recently discovered RG-II trimers and tetramers are unstable and may thus underpin reversible wall loosening. Dimerising monomers in vitro by B(OH)3 required the simultaneous presence of RG-II-binding ‘chaperones’: co-ordinately binding metals and/or ionically binding cationic peptides. Natural chaperones of the latter type include highly basic arabinogalactan protein fragments, e.g., KHKRKHKHKRHHH, which catalyse a reaction [2 RG-II + B(OH)3 → RG-II–B–RG-II], suggesting that plants can ‘enzymically’ metabolise boron.