As landfilling costs increase and controversies emerge over new waste processing facilities, managing growing quantities of municipal solid waste is a pressing environmental and political concern for Canadian municipalities, who bear the primary responsibility for coordinating waste management (WM). In 2015, Metro Vancouver's plans to expand their capacity to manage their waste through energy-from-waste technology was put on hold indefinitely despite shrinking landfill space and persistent public opposition to new landfills. Using Bulkeley et al.'s (2005) 'modes of governing framework', we analyze Metro Vancouver's failed attempt to expand their energy-fromwaste capacity to better understand the challenges associated with how waste is governed in Canada. We argue that a history of downloading responsibility for WM to municipalities, regional districts, and private industry has fragmented WM governance, posing a challenge for developing new waste infrastructure. We find that this localization of responsibility is incompatible with contemporary WM challenges. The scalar mismatch between waste's material impacts and the scale at which waste is managed has resulted in co-dependence and conflict between putatively independent municipalities, regional districts, and private companies. As a result, both higher-level WM coordination is inhibited while the autonomy of individual municipalities is simultaneously undermined.