Our fall issue of IEEE JOURNAL OF MICROWAVES opens with great news: we are now being indexed on Clarivate's Web of Science! We will also have our papers appearing on Elsevier's Scopus database as early as November. In July, we were joined by a new assistant editor, Jackie Steele who, in addition to the normal editorial functions, is helping to promote our authors and our journal. Jackie has already set up a JMW forum on LinkedIn TM and started a monthly newsletter. In this issue you will find 16 new research papers covering topics as diverse as optimal power beaming transmitter arrays to a new ultra-wideband cryogenic isolator, plus the more usual components, filters, radar, and communications articles. We also share the third iteration of our continuing series of articles from Topic Editor Allison Marsh, on Women in Microwaves. Our subject is University of Minnesota Professor Rhonda Franklin. Our usage numbers now top 420,000 and our latest IEEEXplore citation count sits at 8.79 per article published. Also in this issue -our full list of 2023 reviewers. Based on feedback from our July special series article Making Waves: Microwaves in Climate Change, we have started planning for a full special issue on this topic to be released in late 2024. A Call for Papers can be found at the end of this issue's table of contents.