Introduction Mondor's disease is a rare self-limiting condition which presents with a palpable cord-like enlargement of superficial veins of the breast and anterior chest wall and sometimes the arm or penis. Reviews indicate that a number of cases have been reported in western countries. In Tanzanian literature, no case has been documented to the best of my knowledge. Case Presentation A 52-year-old Tanzanian woman residing in a rural area whose main occupation is a physically exerting hoefarming. She reports insidious appearance of subcutaneous cord-like band which was initially painful and subsequently became painless and associated with tension and skin retraction. The band extended from below the left breast on the thorax to the upper abdominal wall. Reassurance, rest from farming activity and 2-week course of indomethacin tablets resulted in complete relief. Conclusion A rural farmer with thrombophlebitis of superficial vein below the breast was reported. Along with the discussion of the relevant literature is the acknowledgment that physical exertion of the chest wall from prolonged forceful farming activities may predispose individuals to Mondor's disease.