In recent years, four conditions, siliconosis, Gulf War syndrome (GWS), macrophagic myofasciitis syndrome (MMF) and post-vaccination phenomena, were linked to a previous exposure to an adjuvant, suggesting a common denominator, and it has been proposed to incorporate comparable conditions under a common syndrome entitled Autoimmune/inflammatory Syndrome Induced by Adjuvants (ASIA). We report a case of a female who at the age of 11 years was diagnosed with Still's disease. At the age of 22 she underwent silicone breast implants and presented with a transient lupus-like syndrome. Then, at 25 years old she had a severe activation of Still's disease in association with rupture of silicone breast implants. When the prostheses were removed, the clinical picture improved. This case fulfills the criteria for ASIA and complements seven previous reports of Still's disease in association with silicone breast implants.